April Transitions

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

By report of the Electoral College, we have several recent local body transitions to acknowledge:

  1. The mastership of Blue Equinox Oasis in Detroit, Michigan has passed from Frater Lynx to Soror Amelia Ann.
  2. The mastership of N.O.X. Oasis in Ogden, Utah has passed from Br. Christopher G. to Sr. Danielle J.
  3. The mastership of Sapphire Current Camp in Memphis, Tennessee has passed from Sr. Rachel Renee M. to Fr. Jubal Eunice.

Congratulations and best wishes to the new masters, and many thanks to the past masters for their hard work and dedication.

Although we are unable to perform initiations during the current emergency, I am glad to hear reports that most local bodies are maintaining vibrant fraternal bonds via online activity and socially-distanced community support. Keep it up, Siblings.

Love is the law, love under will.


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