Greetings of the June (Northern) Solstice! Tomorrow at 3:32 AM UTC, the Sun will be at 90° ecliptic longitude; and will enter the sign of Cancer, the cardinal sign of Water. In the contiguous continental U.S., this will occur today between 8:32 pm PDT and 11:32 pm EDT.
“Let us determine to be masters of our minds.“ A.C., Book 4, Part I Acceptance of the Law of Thelema and The Book of the Law are the only actual requirements to credibly identify as a Thelemite. However, some sort of personal magical regimen is needed to credibly identify as a Thelemic Magician. A huge
The Electoral College met on April 24th, and a few congratulations are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Fr. Silencio on his appointment as Master of Golden Lotus Lodge in the Valley of Garden Grove, CA, and to Fr. Lammassu Dam Ki Ag on his appointment as Master of Chalice of Heaven Oasis in the Valley
I am scheduled to receive my second COVID-19 vaccination injection this Wednesday. Two weeks after that, I will be a Fully Vaccinated Person (FVP). As such, I will not be completely immune from COVID-19 (no vaccine is 100% effective), but my chances of infection will be significantly reduced, and the chances that I will contract
Salutations on the third day of the Feast for the Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law! “Success is thy proof: argue not; convert not; talk not overmuch!”
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Greetings and blessings on this the 117th annual commemoration of the First Day of the Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law! At noon on April 8, 1904 in his flat in the Būlāq district of Cairo, Egypt, following the instructions of Ouarda the Seer, Aleister Crowley sat down at his writing
Greetings of the Equinox of the Gods! “A feast for the Supreme Ritual, and a feast for the Equinox of the Gods.” – AL II,40 “The Supreme Ritual is the Invocation of Horus, which brought about the Opening of the New Aeon. The date is March 20… The Equinox of the Gods is the term
I cannot speak for areas outside the U.S., but the sacerdotal clergy of E.G.C. within the U.S.A. are fully empowered to perform same-sex marriages in states where it is legal to do so.
The Electoral College met on January 9th, and a few congratulations are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Fr. MUAUM on his appointment as Master of Alombrados Oasis in the Valley of New Orleans, LA; to Br. Jason T. on his appointment as Master of Hidden Spring Oasis in the Valley of Orlando, FL; and to Br.