Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The Electoral College met on October 7th, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Sibling Elyriah on their appointment as Master of Azul Nox Oasis in Harrisburg, PA, and many thanks to Fr. Sin Rabe for his service in that office.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. My old friend and mentor William Emmet Heidrick has died. You’ll be seeing a lot of people posting their memories of Bill. I’m going to leave it to others to attempt to list all of his contributions, and I wish them luck. It’s impossible
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.The Electoral College met on October 1st, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Br. Casey Dunham on his confirmation as Master of Abrahadabra Oasis in Portland, ME, and much appreciation to Sr. Cheri G. for her service in that office. Congratulations
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I’d just like to say thanks to our Local Body Masters and Officers who have persevered with us through this COVID situation. We all hope it will be under control soon, and that we can fully resume the in-person activities that are so important