As announced on the USGL news feed, NOTOCON (as an in-person event) has been cancelled for 2021 e.v. This has been done due to the scale and complexity of the NOTOCON event; and to the significant advance planning required, not only by the NOTOCON organizers, but also by the attendees, many of whom must make
Greetings of the December (Southern) Solstice! Tomorrow at 10:02 UTC, the Sun will be at 270° ecliptic longitude; and will enter the sign of Capricorn, the cardinal sign of Earth. In the Continental U.S., this will occur early tomorrow morning at 2:02 AM PST for those of us on the West Coast and 5:02 AM EST for
Greetings of Crowleymas! While it is not an official holiday on the Thelemic Calendar, today marks the 145th anniversary of the birth of Aleister Crowley, a commemoration often referred to as “Crowleymas.” Edward Alexander Crowley was born on this day in 1875 e.v. at 30 Clarendon Square, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, in the West Midlands
Greetings of the September (Southward) Equinox, which is the time that the sun crosses the projection of the earth’s equator (at 180° ecliptic longitude) into the southern hemisphere, and enters the sign of Libra, the Cardinal Sign of Air. According to NOAA, it is the beginning of astronomical autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, although meteorological
Suicide Prevention Workshop to be presented by U.S. Grand Lodge, O.T.O. facilitated by T אריה (Christeos Pir) under direction of Sr. Marita, PhD. Date: 18 OCT 2020 e.v., 4 PM Eastern Time Purpose: Why should we do this? Suicide is still a leading cause of preventable deaths in the U.S., and many of us have
Today (this evening) is an official feast day in Thelema–an anniversary celebration of the date that Aleister Crowley and Rose Edith Kelly (Soror Ouarda), were married 117 years ago. Kelly later played a critical role in the Cairo Working, which led to the reception of The Book of the Law. “A feast for the first
The Electoral College met this past weekend and took a few actions that call for some congratulations and kudos. Congratulations to Soror Helen on her appointment as Master of 718 Camp in the Valley of San Antonio, Texas, and many thanks to Soror Gimel for her service in that office. Congratulations also to Frater S.V.A.T.I.
Greetings of the June (Northern) Solstice! Today at 9:44 PM UTC, the Sun will be at 90° ecliptic longitude; and will enter the sign of Cancer, the cardinal sign of Water. In the contiguous continental U.S., this will occur between 2:44 pm PDT and 5:54 pm EDT. “There are rituals of the elements and feasts of the
As we have said before, we unequivocally reject all notions that any sex, race, or ethnicity is inherently superior or inferior to another. Every race, ethnicity, and gender has its share of brilliant, noble, conscientious, and kind individuals, as well as its share of ignorant, selfish, deceitful, and cruel individuals. Skin color, gender, and sexual
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. By report of the Electoral College, we have several recent local body transitions to acknowledge: The mastership of Blue Equinox Oasis in Detroit, Michigan has passed from Frater Lynx to Soror Amelia Ann. The mastership of N.O.X. Oasis in Ogden, Utah has passed from