Responding to the Measles Outbreak

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

As you have likely heard, there is an unusually large outbreak of measles in certain U.S. locations at this time. Measles is an extremely infectious disease–it spreads more effectively than even COVID–and can have serious complications (such as swelling of the brain) that can lead to permanent medical complications or even death. As of today, there are more than 120 reported cases in Texas (including the death of an elementary school aged child), with additional cases in Alaska, California, Georgia, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York City, Rhode Island, and Washington; and it is continuing to spread. The vast majority of the individuals contracting measles are unvaccinated, or their vaccination status is unknown.

If you are traveling to any U.S.G.L. events in 2025, please check your vaccination status and consult your medical provider if you have not had the disease, or have not had two doses of the modern vaccine, or were vaccinated using the pre-modern vaccines.

  • The modern measles vaccines are extremely effective, with an estimated 95% protection rate among those who have had two doses of the vaccine. If you do not know whether you have had two doses, consult your medical provider; for many individuals it may be advisable to have an additional dose.
  • Adults who were born after 1957 and vaccinated before 1968 received an earlier iteration of the vaccine that has proven less effective over time. If you fall into this category, please consult your medical provider.
  • Adults who had the 7-day measles disease as a child are considered fully immunized.

For further information, please see the following:


Love is the law, love under will.



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