Posts Tagged ‘InMemory’

Farewell, Bob Stein

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Brother Robert C. Stein died peacefully this morning. The following memory was prepared by Brother Norman Fleck. I encourage all of you who knew him to celebrate a (greater) feast in his honor. Love is the law, love under will. -Sb Robert Carrington Stein

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R.I.P. Dan Gunther

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I’d like to acknowledge the recent death of author J. Daniel Gunther, who died last Friday at age 74. Gunther was a prominent, influential, and widely-respected figure in the A∴A∴ and the wider Thelemic Community, having published a number of books of scholarship, accounts

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Godspeed, Bill Heidrick

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. My old friend and mentor William Emmet Heidrick has died. You’ll be seeing a lot of people posting their memories of Bill. I’m going to leave it to others to attempt to list all of his contributions, and I wish them luck. It’s impossible

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Kenneth Anger

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I’d like to acknowledge the recent death of author and film-maker Kenneth Anger, Frater FOCUS! IX°, XI° O.T.O., who died on May 11. Brother Anger lived an amazing life, well worthy of celebration. This video is probably his final interview. Unto him may there

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A Few Thoughts about Jim W.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I just attended (via Zoom) a memorial service for Bro. James Wasserman, who died on the 18th of November last year. Jim and I has a rather tempestuous relationship. He had strong beliefs and opinions, and he stood by them. I have strong beliefs

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