Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I an in receipt of the draft minutes of the January 18th meeting of the U.S.G.L. Electoral College, and would like to offer a few acknowledgements. Congratulations to Frater Ophiphos on his appointment as Master of Crux Ansata Oasis in Denver, CO, and many
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I an in receipt of the draft minutes of the October 5th meeting of the U.S.G.L. Electoral College, and would like to offer a few acknowledgements. Congratulations to Br. JJ Sampel on his appointment as Master of OZ Camp, which was newly chartered in the Valley
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Congratulations to the leadership, members, and alumni of Sekhet Bast Ra Lodge O.T.O. in Oklahoma City, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of their Lodge! Founded in 1984 e.v., theirs is second-oldest continuously-operating O.T.O. lodge in the U.S. Over the
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Congratulations to Steven Tovar on his appointment by the Electoral College as Master of 718 Camp in San Antonio, TX, and many thanks to Sr. Helen for her service in that office. Congratulations to Frater OOsa and Frater Featherston on their appointment as Chair
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The Electoral College met on April 20th, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Fr. Ignis Caerulei on his appointment as Master of Alombrados Oasis in New Orleans, LA, and many thanks to Sr. Abraxas for her service in that office.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The Electoral College met on January 27th, and a couple of acknowledgements are in order: Congratulations to Sib. Maeve Laveau on their appointment as Master of Star of Babalon Oasis in Raleigh, NC, and many thanks to Fr. Temujin for his service in that
93 Our own Thelema Now! Podcast has been included in the Goodpods list of Top 9 Magick Podcasts. Kudos to Sisters Harper and Amy and the rest of the Thelema NOW! team! 93, 93/93 Sb
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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The Electoral College met on October 7th, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Sibling Elyriah on their appointment as Master of Azul Nox Oasis in Harrisburg, PA, and many thanks to Fr. Sin Rabe for his service in that office.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The Electoral College met on August 4th, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Sr. Akasha on her appointment as Master of Sword and Serpent Oasis in Dayton, OH, and much appreciation to Br. Keith Taylor for his service in that
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.The Electoral College met on April 22nd, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Br. JC on his appointment as Master of Ayin Camp, which was newly chartered in the Valley of Louisville, KY. Congratulations to Fr. Nihil Omnium on his appointment