Social Media
I am not currently posting on my Facebook or Twitter accounts, although I am leaving them in place for the time being. If you’re on Mastodon, you can find me at
Comments Off on Social MediaI am not currently posting on my Facebook or Twitter accounts, although I am leaving them in place for the time being. If you’re on Mastodon, you can find me at
Comments Off on Social MediaDo what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Greetings once again to the veterans in the U.S. G. L. Military Collective. On this day, it is appropriate to recall that Grady McMurtry served in his country’s military, as you have, and that his military service, and consequent understanding of personal and group
Comments Off on Veterans DayDo what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.The Electoral College met on October 1st, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Br. Casey Dunham on his confirmation as Master of Abrahadabra Oasis in Portland, ME, and much appreciation to Sr. Cheri G. for her service in that office. Congratulations
Comments Off on October TransitionsLiber AL II: 41 forms a part of what is known as the Calendar of our Church, a list of rituals and feasts recited by the Deacon in the Gnostic Mass. It reads as follows: A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death! As a sort of
Comments Off on Birth, Death and JargonGreeting of Crowleymas! Had he not died on December 1, 1947 e.v., Aleister Crowley would be celebrating his 147th birthday today. Edward Alexander Crowley was born on this day in 1875 e.v. at 30 Clarendon Square, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England.
Comments Off on Crowleymas 2022There is a typo in Liber XV included in published editions of Mystery of Mystery that I’d like to point out. In the collect The Saints, the phrase, “manifest they glory unto men” should be “manifest thy glory unto men.” This typo does not occur in the online edition of Liber XV included on this
Comments Off on An ErratumGreetings of the September (Southward) Equinox, which is the time that the sun crosses the projection of the earth’s equator (at 180° ecliptic longitude) into the Southern Hemisphere, and enters the sign of Libra, the Cardinal Sign of Air. According to NOAA, the September Equinox is the beginning of astronomical autumn in the Northern Hemisphere,
Comments Off on Greetings of the September EquinoxDo what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I’d just like to say thanks to our Local Body Masters and Officers who have persevered with us through this COVID situation. We all hope it will be under control soon, and that we can fully resume the in-person activities that are so important
Comments Off on Appreciation for COVID PerseveranceHappy First Night of the Prophet and his Bride! Today is the 119th anniversary of the marriage of Aleister Crowley and Rose Edith Kelly (Soror Ouarda), who played a critical role in the Cairo Working, which led to the reception of The Book of the Law. “A feast for the first night of the Prophet
Comments Off on First Night of the Prophet and his BrideWe are proceeding with plans for NOTOCON XIV in Denver (NOTOCON XIII was the “Lost NOTOCON” of 2021). The dates are August 4 – 6, 2023 e.v., and the theme is “From Gold Forge Steel.” Mark your calendars. Registration and the call for presentations will be happening soon. Chances of canceling due to COVID are
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