Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.The Electoral College met on October 1st, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Br. Casey Dunham on his confirmation as Master of Abrahadabra Oasis in Portland, ME, and much appreciation to Sr. Cheri G. for her service in that office. Congratulations
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.The Electoral College met on July 9th, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Br. David on his confirmation as Master of Khonsu Camp in Las Vegas, NV, after having served as Master Pro Tem of that body since January. Congratulations to
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The Electoral College met on April 30th, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Br. Jonah Hontos on his appointment as Master of ARARITA Oasis in San Diego, CA, and many thanks to Sr. Amrita for her service in that office.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The Electoral College met on January 15th, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Br. Kenneth Jordan on his confirmation as Master of Bubastis Oasis in Dallas, TX, and many thanks to Br. Tony G. for his service in that office.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The Electoral College met on October 16th, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Br. Thomas W. on his confirmation as Master of Anabasis Camp in Indianapolis, IN, after having served as Acting Master of that body since April. Congratulations to
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I just attended (via Zoom) a memorial service for Bro. James Wasserman, who died on the 18th of November last year. Jim and I has a rather tempestuous relationship. He had strong beliefs and opinions, and he stood by them. I have strong beliefs
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The Electoral College met on July 10th, and a few acknowledgements are in order. Therefore: Many thanks to Soror Ishara for her service as Master of Behutet Camp in Kansas City, MO, which was closed at her request. Congratulations to Br. Benjamin R. on
The Electoral College met on April 24th, and a few congratulations are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Fr. Silencio on his appointment as Master of Golden Lotus Lodge in the Valley of Garden Grove, CA, and to Fr. Lammassu Dam Ki Ag on his appointment as Master of Chalice of Heaven Oasis in the Valley
The Electoral College met on January 9th, and a few congratulations are in order. Therefore: Congratulations to Fr. MUAUM on his appointment as Master of Alombrados Oasis in the Valley of New Orleans, LA; to Br. Jason T. on his appointment as Master of Hidden Spring Oasis in the Valley of Orlando, FL; and to Br.