Equinox Greetings

Greetings of the September (Southward) Equinox, which is the time that the sun crosses the projection of the earth’s equator (at 180° ecliptic longitude) into the southern hemisphere, and enters the sign of Libra, the cardinal sign of Air.  According to NOAA, it is the beginning of astronomical autumn in the northern hemisphere, although meteorological autumn begins on September 1.  The September Equinox is, thus, typically referred to as the “autumnal equinox” in the northern hemisphere. Some traditions hold that the autumnal equinox is not autumn’s beginning, but its midpoint; with its beginning being the cross-quarter point at the beginning of August. 

The moment of equinox occurs tomorrow (Sunday, September 22) at  12:43 UTC. In the contiguous continental U.S., this will occur tomorrow between 5:43 am PDT and 8:43 am EDT.

“There are rituals of the elements and feasts of the times.”

– AL II:3

“Each element — fire, earth, air, water, and Spirit — possesses its own Nature, Will, and Magical Formula. Each one may then have its appropriate ritual. Many such in crude form are described in The Golden Bough of Dr. J.G. Frazer, the Glory of Trinity!

“In particular the entry of the Sun into the cardinal signs of the elements at the Equinoxes and Solstices are suitable for festivals.”

“The difference between ‘rituals’ and ‘feasts’ is this: by the one a particular form of energy is generated, while there is a general discharge of one’s superfluous force in the other. Yet a feast implies periodical nourishment.”

– Crowley’s “New Comment” on AL II:36

Wishing an outstanding autumn to my friends in the northern hemisphere and a superb spring to my friends in the southern hemisphere.


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