Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. As you have likely heard, there is an unusually large outbreak of measles in certain U.S. locations at this time. Measles is an extremely infectious disease–it spreads more effectively than even COVID–and can have serious complications (such as swelling of the brain) that can
Academia Ordo Templi Orientis (an international O.T.O. subdivision dedicated to the academic study of O.T.O. and Thelema) is sponsoring a one-day conference this fall: “American Thelema: Antecedents, History, Interpretations.” This theme explores the influence of the Americas on Crowley, Thelema and O.T.O. The conference will take place at the Hyatt Centric French Quarter Hotel in
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. We often don’t include policies in our documents such as the Camp, Oasis, and Lodge Master’s Handbook (COLMH) when it just seems that they are too obvious to require an explicit policy statement. Sometimes we find that we are wrong about that, and have
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. “Pagan Standard Time” began as an eye-rolling complaint about how Pagan gatherings frequently started behind schedule. However, more and more, I’ve been hearing it offered as a fatuous excuse for tardiness when no legitimate reason is available. Pagans can, in fact, start events on
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. A question has been raised about the ability of Local Masters to remove a member in good standing from an official O.T.O. event if that member is being unruly, abusive, or otherwise disruptive at the event. Section VIII.B.5. of the COLMH (which section sets
We are proceeding with plans for NOTOCON XIV in Denver (NOTOCON XIII was the “Lost NOTOCON” of 2021). The dates are August 4 – 6, 2023 e.v., and the theme is “From Gold Forge Steel.” Mark your calendars. Registration and the call for presentations will be happening soon. Chances of canceling due to COVID are
As announced on the USGL news feed, NOTOCON (as an in-person event) has been cancelled for 2021 e.v. This has been done due to the scale and complexity of the NOTOCON event; and to the significant advance planning required, not only by the NOTOCON organizers, but also by the attendees, many of whom must make
Suicide Prevention Workshop to be presented by U.S. Grand Lodge, O.T.O. facilitated by T אריה (Christeos Pir) under direction of Sr. Marita, PhD. Date: 18 OCT 2020 e.v., 4 PM Eastern Time Purpose: Why should we do this? Suicide is still a leading cause of preventable deaths in the U.S., and many of us have